Wednesday, February 08, 2006
You Make a Dead Man ----- (this Rolling Stone lyric thoughtfully censored for you by your Big Brother at the NFL)... To me, that cutting off of Mick's mic for the word "come" just sums up how bad it's become here in America. In 1998, when this site started, if a major network had censored a song's words that has been playing freely on the radio for 27 years (since 1981), there would be a major outcry at the artistic censorship. Now, 8 years later, it's just another day in this alter-America we now live in. Mick sang them anyway and apparently the band knew the mic would be cut. Still. I can't help but think that Frank Zappa is rolling in his grave. ""The Stones were aware of it, and they were fine with it," McCarthy told the news service. The muted lyrics--or words, really--in question, per reports, were "come" from the "you make a dead man come" line in "Start Me Up," and "cocks" from the "but am I just one of your cocks" animal-referencing line in "Rough Justice."" Submitted on February 7, 2006 5:30 a.m. by divaPastyDrone. [Hackt Up! Hei Kei!] [1 Post, 1 New] [Add New Post]...

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