Friday, December 02, 2005
A marketing plan by PhRMA, the major lobbying group that represents drug manufacturers, to sow fear into Americans' hearts about imported drugs from Canada, has backfired. The idea was to insert the message into the plotlines of popular dramas. The plan worked well enough when it was made the plot of a recent television show (CSI-NY, I believe), but the plot failed when it was exported to the less compliant book industry. As this story relates, the plot of The Karasik Conspiracy "has an instructive new bad guy: A large pharmaceutical company, so far unnamed, has poisoned Canadian-sold drugs?and then tried to make it look like a bunch of terrorists were behind the plot." Needless to say, PhRMA is distancing itself from the novel. Submitted on December 1, 2005 8:43 p.m. by StephenDownes. NewsTrolls

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