Friday, September 30, 2005
Sun's direct role in global warming may be underestimated, Duke physicists report
The Seattle Times: Local News: Warming will affect water supply, scientists warn Seattle officials
We must hit the streets to demand action on global warming | By Ted Glick | Grist Magazine | Soapbox | 30 Sep 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
New Case Reveals Routine Abuse of Government Surveillance Powers
EFF: Breaking News: "Cell Phones Used to Track Users Without Probable Cause
San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is arguing that a New York federal court should stand by its decision to require probable cause to believe a crime has been or is about to be committed before letting the government secretly track people using their cell phones.
"This is the first case considering when the government can track the movements of your cell phone, and the answer couldn't be more important," said EFF Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "Allowing the government to turn anyone's cell phone into a tracking device without probable cause will enable a surveillance society that would make Big Brother jealous."
Last month, the court denied a Justice Department request to monitor a cell phone's location. The ruling revealed that the DOJ has routinely been securing court orders for real-time cell phone tracking without probable cause and without any law authorizing the surveillance.
Many cell phone users aren't aware that their phones can be used to track their location in real-time, even when they aren't using them. EFF filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Friday to oppose a DOJ motion asking the court to reconsider its pro-privacy decision. EFF argues that the Fourth Amendment requires a search warrant for such invasive surveillance, issued under the same strict standards as warrants that authorize phone and Internet wiretaps.
The government has tried to justify this gross expansion of its authority by combining two surveillance statutes, neither of which authorize cell phone tracking on their own. As EFF explains in its brief, there is no support anywhere for this argument -- not in the statutes' language, nor in legislative history, case law, or academic commentary. Indeed, it contradicts the government's own electronic evidence manual. "It's as if the government wants the court to believe that zero plus zero somehow equals one," said Bankston."
San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is arguing that a New York federal court should stand by its decision to require probable cause to believe a crime has been or is about to be committed before letting the government secretly track people using their cell phones.
"This is the first case considering when the government can track the movements of your cell phone, and the answer couldn't be more important," said EFF Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "Allowing the government to turn anyone's cell phone into a tracking device without probable cause will enable a surveillance society that would make Big Brother jealous."
Last month, the court denied a Justice Department request to monitor a cell phone's location. The ruling revealed that the DOJ has routinely been securing court orders for real-time cell phone tracking without probable cause and without any law authorizing the surveillance.
Many cell phone users aren't aware that their phones can be used to track their location in real-time, even when they aren't using them. EFF filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Friday to oppose a DOJ motion asking the court to reconsider its pro-privacy decision. EFF argues that the Fourth Amendment requires a search warrant for such invasive surveillance, issued under the same strict standards as warrants that authorize phone and Internet wiretaps.
The government has tried to justify this gross expansion of its authority by combining two surveillance statutes, neither of which authorize cell phone tracking on their own. As EFF explains in its brief, there is no support anywhere for this argument -- not in the statutes' language, nor in legislative history, case law, or academic commentary. Indeed, it contradicts the government's own electronic evidence manual. "It's as if the government wants the court to believe that zero plus zero somehow equals one," said Bankston."
Sea Ice Decline Intensifies
Wired News: Mighty Mice Regrow Organs
BBC NEWS | Technology | Sub-$100 laptop design unveiled
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Life in the land where filling up an SUV costs $3 |
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'
KRT Wire | 09/14/2005 | Suffering goes on beyond the klieg lights of catastrophe
Monday, September 26, 2005
Global warming a reality: Flannery
CBC News: Jury convicts U.S. soldier of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison
CBC News: U.S. releases 500 from Abu Ghraib
Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina
Sunday, September 25, 2005
A 1935 US Plan for Invasion of Canada - Companies bow to pressure on CO2
News Hounds: Verbal Donnybrook on the Factor - Donahue KO's O'Reilly
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The Globe and Mail: Forces personnel returning from Katrina-stricken coast - News - EXCLUSIVE: UP IN FLAMES
Friday, September 23, 2005
The Answer My Friend Is Blowing in Rita's Wind
Weasel-Words Rip My Flesh! - Spotting a bogus trend story on Page One of today's New York Times. By Jack Shafer
How Do You Dump Fuel From a Plane? - Just turn on your fuel dumping system. By Daniel Engber
Thursday, September 22, 2005 - Companies bow to pressure on CO2
Homeland security action against illegals lacking
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Insurance will cover it — when pigs fly
Ottawa to host 'climate change' summit
Glaciers on the Roof of the World at Risk
Nasa Scientist Detect Rapid Thinning of Greenland's Coastal Ice
Kuwait Urges US Solution to Striking Guantanamo Detainees
Bush Administration Diverts Law Enforcement Resources to Fight Porn | Bayosphere
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Warmer soils add to climate worry
NASA - CloudSat: NASA Will Reveal Secrets of Clouds and Aerosols
Monday, September 19, 2005
Daily Kos: Cindy Sheehan ushered away and rally organizer arrested by police.
Sunday, September 18, 2005 - the universe is a computer simulation
US doctors prepare for first human face transplant
Global cooling / Seven steps you can take to fight warming of planet
The Can-do Bush Administration Does... and the Presidency Shines (for twenty-six minutes)
Severe hurricanes increasing, study finds - Highlights -
Saturday, September 17, 2005
UC NewsWire -- High-vegetable diet linked to protection against pancreatic cancer
UC NewsWire -- Tobacco industry weakened pesticide regulations, UCSF study shows
Corporations cotton onto climate change
The Weather Channel's climate ace chats about Katrina and sexing up global warming | By Amanda Griscom Little | Grist Magazine | Main Dish | 15 Sep 20
AlterNet: Hurricane Katrina: Overkill in New Orleans
Global Warming 'Past the Point of No Return'
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Tomdispatch: Chip Ward, Bush's Holy War on Nature
Jacob Appelbaum’s weblog » Radio station has been blocked
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | The beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners
Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Interview: Kim Stanley Robinson
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

CREDIT: Brent Foster, National Post
Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson delivers a fairwell address to the Empire Club of Canada at the Royal York Hotel Wednesday, September, 14, 2005.
Posted by Picasa
Women's hockey getting Clarkson Cup | Gov't apologizes for bungled CSIS investigation
NOW . Science & Health. Losing Ground - New Orleans and the Delta Overview | PBS
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
As bodies recovered, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories'
Bush Tells Iraqi President U.S. Support "Will Not Waver" - US Department of State
TomDispatch - Tomgram: The Reconstruction of New Oraq
Global warming: Adapting to a new reality - Europe - International Herald Tribune
Bush Says Katrina Exposed Flaws in U.S. Capabilities
Today's News - NewsTrolls
New Orleans Flood Map
Monday, September 12, 2005
U.S. Meteorologist Says Russian Inventors Caused Hurricane Katrina - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM
US develops strategy for first use of nuclear weapons against WMD
Katrina: The Space Database
"Cheney Faces Criminal Indictments; Other Illegal Actions Raise Warning Flags at White House
Editor, Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 8, 2004, 04:59"Cheney, however, is standing firm and recently told Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to “fuck off” when the Senator questioned him on the Halliburton matters.
According to White House sources, President George W. Bush laughed the matter off at a recent cabinet meeting. “Fuck ‘em all,” Bush said.
Editor, Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 8, 2004, 04:59"Cheney, however, is standing firm and recently told Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to “fuck off” when the Senator questioned him on the Halliburton matters.
According to White House sources, President George W. Bush laughed the matter off at a recent cabinet meeting. “Fuck ‘em all,” Bush said.
Social Justice @
Social Justice, like Food Security, is a broad concept.
Social Justice is concerned not only with the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society but also claiming/reclaiming the global and local commons for a fair, sustainable and compassionate world.
Social Justice is concerned not only with the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society but also claiming/reclaiming the global and local commons for a fair, sustainable and compassionate world.
(KH-click on the hot links and foto's-Kd:)
A Very, Very Good Idea___“Go fuck yourself Mr. Cheney - U.S. won't ban media from New Orleans searches - Sep 10, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Canadian ships set up Fla. logistics site
The Globe and Mail: Canadian Katrina aid to arrive Monday
George W. Bush Still Rocks! / Stop criticizing! The rich man's CEO president is executing his job requirements perfectly
This is what they're saying. Kanye West was right, Bush doesn't care about black people, or the poor, or anything that doesn't directly serve his handlers' agenda or flatter his monochromatic ego or anything that isn't spelled out for him in nice simplistic pie charts and reassuring matronly tones.
Saturday, September 10, 2005 - Red Cross calls for 40,000 volunteers - Sep 10, 2005
Kanye, "Bush Doesn't Care About Black People"
Democracy Now! | Is the Government Trying to Stem the Tide of Images From New Orleans by Threatening Journalists?
Democracy Now! | Crisis Profiteering: Dick Cheney, Halliburton and Hurricane Katrina
Friday, September 09, 2005
Hugh Hewitt - When Will MSM Review MSM's Role in the Disaster?
Houston Mall Is a Lifeline For Vietnamese Who Fled - Los Angeles Times
Houston Mall Is a Lifeline For Vietnamese Who Fled - Los Angeles Times: "The owner, who took a perilous journey as a refugee from Vietnam in 1978, mobilizes aid."
Vietnamese Americans Use Their Media as Katrina Lifeline
Charlie Cray: As Waters Recede, Watch Who Cleans Up - Yahoo! News
Charlie Cray: As Waters Recede, Watch Who Cleans Up - Yahoo! News » Gulfport, Mississippi Before and After Hurricane Katrina
Soil Ain't Green - British soil is losing carbon -- and may be contributing to global warming
National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Pets: Hurricane Katrina's Other Victims
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Mystery Bulge in Oregon Still Growing
Tomdispatch Interview: Howard Zinn, The Outer Limits of Empire
European leaders pin Katrina blame on global warmingEnvironment Minister Juergen Trittin wrote a column for the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper blaming White House environmental policies for increasing the risk of severe storms and floods around the world. "The American president closes his eyes to the economic and human damages that are inflicted on his country and the world economy by natural disasters, like Katrina, through neglected climate protection."
Slow Katrina evacuation fits pattern of injustice during crises | By Liza Featherstone | Grist Magazine | Main Dish | 08 Sep 2005
The Intellectual Activist - But this is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made disaster.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Pumping Us Dry
Hurricane Katrina - Our Experiences
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Katrina links II | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist Magazine
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Hurricane an Unnatural Disaster, Root Causes Are Ecological Hurricane Center
U.S. Military to Conduct Psychological War Operation Against Residents of Toronto, Ontario, September 3-5, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Google Maps - New Orleans News - Health - Human remains in feed may have led to BSE in UK
al Qaeda Training Manual
Magazine - Why Weather is Getting Deadlier�and Costlier - FORTUNE - Page
To some researchers, Katrina looks like a harbinger of much more catastrophic weather to come.
By David Stipp
Friday, September 2, 2005
To New Orleans residents, Hurricane Katrina must seem like an incredibly bad piece of meteorological luck that could only happen once in a lifetime. But to many climate researchers, it looks like a harbinger of things to come—with catastrophic regularity—as the world's atmosphere heats up.
In fact, less than a month before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Kerry Emanuel published a portentous paper in the journal Nature that illustrated how hurricanes' destructive potential has risen dramatically over the past few decades, in tandem with global warming. And a few weeks before Emanuel's paper, the Association of British Insurers issued an equally ominous report on the growing financial risks posed by extreme weather events due to global warming. It predicted that the U.S. may suffer losses from single hurricanes of up to $150 billion. (To put that in perspective, Hurricane Andrew racked up losses of about $30 billion when it slammed Florida and Louisiana in 1992.)
By David Stipp
Friday, September 2, 2005
To New Orleans residents, Hurricane Katrina must seem like an incredibly bad piece of meteorological luck that could only happen once in a lifetime. But to many climate researchers, it looks like a harbinger of things to come—with catastrophic regularity—as the world's atmosphere heats up.
In fact, less than a month before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Kerry Emanuel published a portentous paper in the journal Nature that illustrated how hurricanes' destructive potential has risen dramatically over the past few decades, in tandem with global warming. And a few weeks before Emanuel's paper, the Association of British Insurers issued an equally ominous report on the growing financial risks posed by extreme weather events due to global warming. It predicted that the U.S. may suffer losses from single hurricanes of up to $150 billion. (To put that in perspective, Hurricane Andrew racked up losses of about $30 billion when it slammed Florida and Louisiana in 1992.)
The Big Easy on the Brink
If it doesn't act fast, the city could become the next Atlantis - by ADAM COHENWritten five years ago.
Katrina As Inconvenience
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
How Not to Prepare for a Hurricane
Huge coalition to combat climate change
Telegraph | News | Man's evolution linked to climate change
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