Friday, April 15, 2005

Spiegel's Daily Take: Chirac Goes for a "Oui" on the EU Constitution - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Kofi Annan is critical of the US and UK in the oil-for-food scandal.
: "Annan fights back
The UN oil-for-food scandal looks set to get even nastier. After Kofi Annan recently had his wrists slapped for his son's involvement with the scandal, the Secretary-General is now doing his own bit of mud slinging. He is giving the US and Britain blame for billions of dollars of oil smuggling which benefited Saddam Hussein financially.

According to allegations, in the 1990s oil was sold illegally by the Iraqi regime to neighbouring states, such as Jordan and Turkey. This in spite of sanctions and the UN program which allowed only restricted oils sales for humanitarian needs. Annan accuses American and British forces of allowing the oil shipments to be made. According to reporters in the area, the oil transports were carried out in the open and must have been noticed by American and British forces who were posted in the region to keep watch. Annan says a blind eye was turned to the smuggling because Jordan and Turkey were western allies. "

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