Tuesday, November 30, 2004
NOW: No blood for phony food
"U.S. quietly ushers in GE food patent lawswhile banning ancient seed collecting in Iraq
BY Wayne Roberts
When demonstrators lay down the unwelcome mat for George W. Bush next week in Ottawa, they might scrawl some Hands Off Our Food, Dude slogans alongside the usual offerings on the U.S. oil grab in Iraq. How strange that Bush fundamentalists who believe the world was made in seven days think nothing of tinkering with the genetic mysteries of life that evolved over 4 billion years. It's not just the crude, dude, say those who see the occupation of Iraq as a product of an agribusiness drive to patent and monopolize the means of life itself."
BY Wayne Roberts
When demonstrators lay down the unwelcome mat for George W. Bush next week in Ottawa, they might scrawl some Hands Off Our Food, Dude slogans alongside the usual offerings on the U.S. oil grab in Iraq. How strange that Bush fundamentalists who believe the world was made in seven days think nothing of tinkering with the genetic mysteries of life that evolved over 4 billion years. It's not just the crude, dude, say those who see the occupation of Iraq as a product of an agribusiness drive to patent and monopolize the means of life itself."
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