Sunday, August 31, 2003
Scoop: Ron Holland: Bring Troops Home, Send In Neocons: "Today is just another day and another major bombing against US and US-affiliated targets in Iraq. Our garrison troops continue under attack daily and the oil pipelines continue to explode and burn. Why the heck are we there and isn't it time to take the false neocon propaganda and the neocon advisors and put them where they have placed our American men and women in uniform? " An online service of the Spartanburg Herald-Journal: "Doctors and hospitals across the country are scrambling to satisfy the booming demand for surgery that shrinks the stomachs of severely obese people."
News: "The Bush administration has decreed that carbon dioxide from industrial emissions - the main cause of global warming - is not a pollutant."
Frameset for Free City News: "'BAGHDAD: The city, which had never seen heroin, a deadly addictive drug, until March 2003, is now flooded with narcotics including heroin. "
Welcome to HaidaBucks CafeStarbucks Ends Dispute!
Saturday, August 30, 2003
National Story - network: "MOUNTAINS NEAR KABUL -- By vehicle and by foot, Canadian troops penetrated deep into mountains near Afghanistan's capital, searching caves, ravines and mountain passes for evidence of a suspected Taliban and al-Qaida buildup"
"It is hard to imagine a place in Afghanistan that hasn't been touched by war. Cemeteries are everywhere. Lone graves lie by roadsides, on mountaintops, in battlefields. Even the most remote villages are smashed."
"It is hard to imagine a place in Afghanistan that hasn't been touched by war. Cemeteries are everywhere. Lone graves lie by roadsides, on mountaintops, in battlefields. Even the most remote villages are smashed."
IOL : Canada approves use of pot for pain: "Last month, Health Minister Anne McLellan announced the programme to sell the government-grown marijuana, satisfying an Ontario court order for the government to make a legal supply available to authorised patients."
Boiling seas linked to mass extinction: Methane belches may have catastrophic consequences.: "A massive methane explosion frothing out of the world's oceans 250 million years ago caused the Earth's worst mass extinction, claims a US geologist. "
Space Dust Flooding Our Solar System: "The dust grains pose no serious threat to the planets. But they could chip away at the solar panels on spacecraft, causing a gradual loss of power, and knock particles off asteroids, filling the solar system with even more dust. On Earth, stargazers may observe a greater number of shooting stars.
'All these effects are not yet observed�but they are expected,' said Markus Landgraf, an astronomer with the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany. Landgraf discovered the influx of dust using data from the agency's Ulysses spacecraft. "
'All these effects are not yet observed�but they are expected,' said Markus Landgraf, an astronomer with the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany. Landgraf discovered the influx of dust using data from the agency's Ulysses spacecraft. " - Clean air rules relaxed at plants: "WASHINGTON � The Bush administration revised clean air rules Wednesday to allow power plants, refineries and industrial plants to upgrade facilities without having to install costly pollution control equipment."
ENN News Story - Groups sue to block new U.S. biowarfare labs: "SAN FRANCISCO � Environmental groups filed a lawsuit this week to block the construction of biowarfare labs at two national nuclear weapons facilities, saying both units lacked the sound safety records required to handle extremely dangerous materials like anthrax. "
Bush lied to NYC on post-9/11 pollution crisis: "The highly critical 165-page report indicates that agency officials were pressured to issue misleading assurances that the air quality in New York City was safe, in part because of White House concerns that Wall Street be speedily reopened for financial trading."
ScienceDaily News Release: Modern Global Warming More Damaging Than In The Past: "Generally, each species requires specific habitat and climate conditions to survive. In the past when climate changed, populations of a species would die out on one edge of their habitat range and expand into newly available habitat at the other edge. This colonization process was crucial for the survival of species during the unstable climate of the last ice ages. " - NewsFlash: "Janklow also faces charges of failure to stop, speeding and misdemeanor reckless driving for the Aug. 16 crash that killed a 55-year-old farmer from Minnesota. "
Friday, August 29, 2003
Blue: "Richard Perle, a leading Pentagon adviser and architect of the U.S. war to topple Saddam Hussein, said the United States had made mistakes in Iraq and that power should be handed over to the Iraqis as fast as possible. "
GM To Start Building, Selling Hummer SUVs To Russians: "MOSCOW (Reuters) - General Motors Corp said on Wednesday it would start to assemble its Hummer H2 sports utility vehicle in Russia to target the country's growing band of businessmen with money to burn and a desire to impress. "
Who are the "foreign terrorists"? (by Yamin Zakaria) - Media Monitors Network (MMN): "'The recent deployment of the term of 'foreign terrorists' with regards to the Iraqi resistance movement by the illegal 'occupying forces' is perplexing. Those fighters who have come from other Arab / Muslim countries have close ties with the people of Iraq by a common language, religion, culture and history, none of which the occupying forces share.' "
Dumbed Down U.S. Media Never Thinks for Itself (by Stan Moore) - Media Monitors Network (MMN): "'When watching the corporate-dominated media in America, any intelligent observer suffers inevitable anguish and disgust. All major media are essentially the same in terms of personnel, format, even timing of subject matter in each broadcast. Whether male or female, white, black, or of some other ethic ancestry, media broadcasters are virtual clones of one another. Personnel are well-dressed and impeccably groomed, handsome in appearance...' "
ABS-CBNNEWS.COM: "We decided to conquer an Arab country and drive the Muslim fanatics so crazy that they�d storm in, and then we�d kill them all? That�s the latest Bush rationale for going into Iraq?"
Bruce Jackson: The Little Deaths: "Hiding the Body Count"
BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | UK 'sells' bomb material to Iran: "British officials have approved the export of key components needed to make nuclear weapons to Iran and other countries known to be developing such weapons. "
:: XINHUANET ::: "KABUL, Aug. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Elusive Taliban fighters have recaptured some areas of a southern Afghan province despite a ongoing massive joint operation by government troops and US-led coalition forces to hunt them down, an Afghan military official said on Wednesday. "
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Iraq set to swallow up countless billions as costs soar, US admits: "The US government, which is spending $4bn a month keeping its troops in Iraq, admitted yesterday that the cost had risen rapidly, and that the price of reconstruction was 'almost impossible to exaggerate'. "
The loneliness of Noam Chomsky: "'I will never apologise for the United States of America � I don't care what the facts are.'
President George Bush Sr. "
President George Bush Sr. "
U.N.: U.S. Should Not Undercut Protection of Aid Workers (Human Rights Watch Press release, New York, August 25, 2003): "
'After the tragic killing of aid workers in Baghdad, the U.S. opposition to the proposed resolution is disgraceful. The United States should not let its ill-conceived and ideologically driven crusade against the International Criminal Court compromise efforts to protect humanitarian aid workers.' "
'After the tragic killing of aid workers in Baghdad, the U.S. opposition to the proposed resolution is disgraceful. The United States should not let its ill-conceived and ideologically driven crusade against the International Criminal Court compromise efforts to protect humanitarian aid workers.' "
NRDC Press Archive: Federal Court Restricts Global Deployment of Navy Sonar: "Conservation Groups Say Ruling Protects Whales and Other Marine Life From Injury and Death "
We Love Arnold: " Daily Arnold Updates "
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Computers crashed just before blackout: "FirstEnergy Corp. could not see mounting transmission line problems in the crucial hour before the Aug. 14 blackout because its key computers were down, according to at least two municipal electric systems. "
NewsTrolls -: "'I Have a Dream' - Reality Check"
The Smoking Gun: Archive: "In 1977 interview, actor spoke of orgies, drugs, and homosexuality "
Rice says U.S. has no imperial ambitions: "The United States is no global bully, and disagreement between President Bush and U.S. allies doesn't mean their opinions aren't valued, his top foreign policy adviser says.
'We need allies and need them badly,' national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said in a July 31 interview with ZDF German television"
'We need allies and need them badly,' national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said in a July 31 interview with ZDF German television"
Scoop: Lynn Landes: Internet Voting - End of Democracy?: "Despite inherent and increasingly blatant security risks, Internet voting companies are steadily gaining control over the U.S. electoral system and American civic life. The risk to democracy is very real. "
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
The Heat Is OnlineAustralian Drought Wipes Out 80 Percent of Agriculture; Forests Won't Recover for 200 Years
Monday, August 25, 2003
Commentary - Who's next on the 'axis of evil' hitlist?: " Questions surrounding multiple front wars involving America have sprung up everywhere. Though the mainstream media has avoided the issue, Americans could face many more problems than they had originally anticipated. Among those could include terrorist attacks, nuclear wars, public dissent and some have even gone as far as saying a revolt in America it's self."
t r u t h o u t - Depleted Uranium: What 'Support The Troops' Really Means: "Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
Warriors For Peace: "There have always been veterans for peace. War makes veterans warriors for peace.' With those words, David Cline, wounded and decorated in Vietnam, and national president of Veterans For Peace (VFP), opened the organization's eighteenth annual convention, on August 8, in San Francisco. "
Rebuilding Iraq: "Tell us what you think about President Bush and ongoing operations in Iraq"
Groping in the Dark: "The public posture is confident, but the jitters are real. Under fire in Iraq, Team Bush ponders its options
Sept. 1 issue � Iraq may be spinning out of control, but in the Bush administration, the spin was strictly controlled. From Baghdad to the White House, administration spokesmen went to elaborate lengths to argue that the presence of terrorists in Iraq was somehow a positive development."
Sept. 1 issue � Iraq may be spinning out of control, but in the Bush administration, the spin was strictly controlled. From Baghdad to the White House, administration spokesmen went to elaborate lengths to argue that the presence of terrorists in Iraq was somehow a positive development."
Sunday, August 24, 2003
The Air Is Thick With Lies"I was a few hundred yards up on Liberty Street when the Two Tower of the World Trade Center blew. I put my nose inside my shirt and ran through smoke that turned day into night. In the smoke were computers, asbestos, pulverized glass, human bodies, lead. I got on another street and One Tower blew up. Again, the air was black with a pulverized 110-story building."
'Black helicopters' on mission ... from Michigan National Guard"Reports of dark green, unmarked helicopters flying in formation along the shoreline of the Saginaw Bay have a lot of people baffled - residents, the Coast Guard, air traffic controllers and some military officials"
NATIONAL POST: "Preventing the next blackout" - "Canada is a net exporter of electricity. And yet, as things stand, it seems unlikely anything much could be done domestically to prevent Ontario, or any other province, from being stricken by the sort of blackout that hit North America on August 14."
macrobiotic info: "...Refined sugar, by some, is called a drug, because in the refining process everything of food value has been removed except the carbohydrates-pure calories, without vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, enzymes or any of the other elements that make up food."
Bush grants permanent legal immunity to US corporations looting Iraqi oil: "Bush grants permanent legal immunity to US corporations looting Iraqi oil"
CBC News: Albertans fed up with high electricity prices: "EDMONTON - Albertans say it's time to take another look at electricity deregulation because of skyrocketing prices. "
Draft of Air Rule Is Said to Exempt Many Old Plants: "Draft of Air Rule Is Said to Exempt Many Old Plants"
Jefferson, declared, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:23 PMThe FRAUDS -- The Federal Reserve
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:23 PMThe FRAUDS -- The Federal Reserve
U.S. Taps Media Chief for Iraq ( Attempted Without Appearing Heavy-Handed. Iraq media Czar to run news channel being built by CIA-connected company.
NEW REVELATIONS ABOUT GULF WAR 2 MYSTERY ILLNESSThe American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA), an independent Gulf War Veterans’ support organization, has long searched for answers to explain why nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are now ill and why over 200,000 of those servicemen/women have requested disability, but have received no adequate diagnosis or treatment, from either the Department of Defense (DOD), or Veteran’s Affairs.
Military.comNEW YORK - Blaming corporations for fueling former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons program, victims of the first Gulf War filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking compensation for illnesses affecting more than 100,000 soldiers.
It's time to fire Rumsfeld: "The United States has more serious problems in Iraq than President Bush could have imagined... [?]
Friendly Dictators
Written in 1995
U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23, 1948:
Our real task... is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity [U.S. military- economic supremacy]... To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming... We should cease to talk about vague and...unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization... we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. George Kennan, Director of Policy Planning. U.S. State Department. 1948
Friendly Dictators
Friendly Dictators
Written in 1995
U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23, 1948:
Our real task... is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity [U.S. military- economic supremacy]... To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming... We should cease to talk about vague and...unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization... we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. George Kennan, Director of Policy Planning. U.S. State Department. 1948
Friendly Dictators
Naked Bike Ride down Robson to protest consumerism
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Saturday Sep 6, 2003 Protest
Vancouver, BC
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Saturday Sep 6, 2003 Protest
Vancouver, BC
IQALUIT (CP) - Prime Minister Jean Chretien interrupted his tour of the Eastern Arctic to visit the fire-scarred Okanagan region of British Columbia on Sunday.
News Story - network
News Story - network
Shawinigan has vintage parking meters that charge 25 cents an hour,and are believed to be among the oldest in North America.
News Story - network
News Story - network
Poor people are better off in Canada
Story - Search - network: "Analysis: Study finds lower income earners enjoy better standard of living than U.S. counterparts due to our tax-and-spend policies"
Story - Search - network: "Analysis: Study finds lower income earners enjoy better standard of living than U.S. counterparts due to our tax-and-spend policies"
Saturday, August 23, 2003
"'During the last days of July, Representative Tom Delay (Republican) of Texas, the House majority leader described routinely as one of the three or four most powerful men in Washington,"...
Dreams and delusions (by Edward Said) - Media Monitors Network (MMN):
Dreams and delusions (by Edward Said) - Media Monitors Network (MMN):
BRITAIN’S biggest high street banks and a Scottish engineering company have been accused of helping Saddam Hussein to build Iraq’s chemical weapons infrastructure in the run-up to the first Gulf War. "
Times Online: "UK banks named in Gulf War Syndrome court case
By James Doran
Times Online: "UK banks named in Gulf War Syndrome court case
By James Doran
Dramatic proof of global warming as peaks begin to crumble in high temperatures and snowline retreats
The Observer | International | Record heatwave closes Mont Blanc to tourists: "The conditions have been so extreme, say glaciologists and climate experts, and the retreat of the Alps' eternal snows and glaciers so pronounced..."
The Observer | International | Record heatwave closes Mont Blanc to tourists: "The conditions have been so extreme, say glaciologists and climate experts, and the retreat of the Alps' eternal snows and glaciers so pronounced..."
The Government Accountability Project Challenges Bush
Executive Order 13303 Granting Blanket Legal Immunity
in Iraqi Oil Commerce
Executive Order 13303 Granting Blanket Legal Immunity
in Iraqi Oil Commerce
CAMPAIGNS: Climate Justice Initiative
Climate change has the potential to radically damage entire ecosystems and render entire countries uninhabitable. Changing the climate affects everyone and everything on Earth" �-�Campaigns �-�Climate Justice: "
Climate change has the potential to radically damage entire ecosystems and render entire countries uninhabitable. Changing the climate affects everyone and everything on Earth" �-�Campaigns �-�Climate Justice: "
An Ohio-based energy conglomerate has been identified as responsible for the massive power blackout �-�Issues �-�Utility Deregulation �-�Articles �-�Bush Turns Blind Eye to Blackout Culprit: "FirstEnergy's Executives Raised Thousands for Bush Campaign" �-�Issues �-�Utility Deregulation �-�Articles �-�Bush Turns Blind Eye to Blackout Culprit: "FirstEnergy's Executives Raised Thousands for Bush Campaign"
British Petroleum, Shell and Chevron Win Iraqi Oil Contracts - Issues - Military Industrial Complex - Articles - To the Victors Go the Spoils of War - Issues - Military Industrial Complex - Articles - To the Victors Go the Spoils of War
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has struck a deal with the US not to capture Osama bin Laden...Deal between Musharraf and U.S. on bin Laden?
August 21, 2003
Near $1 Million Settlement Received by Los Alamos Whistleblower Compensation for Retaliatory Firing by University of California Near $1 Million Settlement Received by Los Alamos Whistleblower 8/21/2003 Project On Government Oversight
Near $1 Million Settlement Received by Los Alamos Whistleblower Compensation for Retaliatory Firing by University of California Near $1 Million Settlement Received by Los Alamos Whistleblower 8/21/2003 Project On Government Oversight
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